Great event in our priory today! Three of our community brothers, Cesar Lino de Sousa Ximenes, Andre Pereira, and Innocent Han-Zaw-Htun, made their solemn religious profession, consecrating themselves in a special way to God “until death”.

The profession ceremony took place within the community Mass, which started at 10:45. The Mass was presided over by the conventual Prior, Fr Javier Gonzalez, who had been delegated by our Fr Provincial to receive the vows of the three brothers. After the homily, the three were definitively incorporated into the Dominican Order through their solemn religious solemn profession, promising obedience to God… until death.

Attending the celebration, in addition to our entire community and those faithful who ordinarily attend to our Sunday Mass, were all the Dominican Sisters in Macau as well as some Lay Dominicans, members of “Torch of Macau”. Present also were some USJ professors and classmates of our brothers, as well as some other friends and guests. The celebration was solemn, well prepared by the entire community, particularly by the student brothers and their Master, Fr. Paul Fan. It was a time to witness this momentous occasion, to join the three brothers in thanking God for the gift of vocation, and to assure them of our prayer. At the end of the Mass, one of the newly professed, Brother Innocent, said a few words of gratitude on behalf of the three brothers.

After the Mass, everyone was cordially invited to stay for lunch at the Priory, as our Fr Lawrence had prepared abundant food and drinks, including a commemorative cake with three candles. All in all, it was a festive gathering to thank the Lord at the table of the Eucharist and share then His blessings.

Congratulations to our brothers Cesar, Andre, and Innocent for their courageous decision, with the assurance to them of our prayer for their perseverance in the path they embraced today.