Who are We?

We are Dominican brothers of the Province of Our Lady of the Rosary assigned in St. Dominic’s Priory in Macao.

We are Catholic Christians

We are, first and foremost, Catholic Christians. As such, we love Christ and God through him with all our being, and we strive wholeheartedly to love our neighbors as God loves us, abiding faithfully by the Gospel and the Magisterium of the Catholic Church.

We are Dominican Religious Brothers

Second, we are Dominican religious brothers. Being religious brothers means that we are consecrated to God through religious profession of the three evangelical counsels of obedience, chastity, and poverty within a fraternal community. On the other hand, being “Dominican” means that we are members of the Order of Preachers, an 800-year-old religious institute in the Catholic Church, “…founded, from the beginning, especially for preaching and the salvation of souls” (“Prologue” of The Primitive Constitutions of the Order of Friars Preachers). St. Dominic de Guzman was its founder in 1216. This mission is well expressed in the three mottoes that the Dominican Order has, namely, “Truth” (Veritas), “To Praise, to Bless, to Preach” (Laudare, Benedicere, Praedicare), and “To contemplate and bring forth to others the fruit of contemplation” (Contemplari et contemplata aliis tradere). The Dominican Family is spread today all over the world.

We are members of the Province of Our Lady of the Rosary

Third, we are members of the Province of Our Lady of the Rosary. The Order of Preachers comprises different Provinces. The Province of Our Lady of the Rosary was founded in 1587 to preach the Gospel mainly in the Philippines, China, and the nations of East Asia. Today, it ministers in many places, including the Philippines, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore, Myanmar, East Timor, Spain, Venezuela, etc. As the name of our Province indicates, we are under the Patronage of Our Mother Mary, whom we honor under the title of Our Lady of the Rosary.

We stay at St Dominic’s Priory in Macao

Fourth, we reside in St. Dominic’s Priory in Macao. Our mission in Macao started in 1996. We began by collaborating in some pastoral ministries of the Diocese. On October 7, 2008, St. Dominic’s Priory was established, and since 2011, it also houses the Provincial Center of Institutional Studies. The Center is the place where the brothers, upon making their first profession, move and stay until the end of their institutional studies of philosophy and theology. During this period of 5 or 6 years, these student brothers mature and deeply integrate into the Dominican life, being ready at the end to make their solemn religious profession, which binds them for life, until death. In 2024, our community consists of 30 student brothers and seven priests.

We welcome your inquiry. Come and see!