Every year, during the semester break of the classes in Seminaries for the Christmas Season and New Year, the Brothers who are studying in the Holy Spirit Seminary of Hong Kong Diocese and the Brothers who are studying in Saint Joseph Seminary (USJ)–Macau gather together at Saint Dominic Priory–Macau to have a Regional Study Week.
This year the theme of the course was on “Introduction to Homilectic.†This interesting and inspiring workshop was given by Fr. Edmond Eh, OP, the Moderator of Studies of the Province of Our Lady of the Rosary, on January 03 – 07, 2017. Attracted by the theme of the course which was organized by the Dominican Friars, this time besides about twenty Dominican simply professed students took part in the course, we also welcome two Brothers from the Divine Word Congregation (SVD) to join us in this time.
Though the course was short, but we did had a chance to study and develop our skill, based on two parts: Lectures on how to prepare a good homily and Application on practice preaching. The lecturer emphasized the importance of the preachers as instruments of God for the salvation of souls and building up the kingdom of God on earth. As an itinerant preacher of God is to preach/to bring the Message of God to the people. Therefore, in our Dominican preaching to have a good homily, Fr. Edmond said: “our preaching has always been rooted in a scientific study of theology and discerning the ‘sign of the times’ which proceeds from supernatural principles and illuminated through prayer.†Truly, as Dominicans, we are invited to imitate our Founder, Holy Father Saint Dominic who was a man of prayer and preacher.
To have this chance of being together joyfully and fruitfully, we are grateful and thankful to the Fathers of the Formation Council who have given us this opportunity. And particular thanks for the guidance of Fr. Edmond throughout the course.
We pray to the Good Lord through the intercession of our Holy Father Saint Dominic, may He bless us and guide us on our journey To Praise – To Bless – To Preach.
Macau January 7, 2017
Bro. Joseph Tran Van Huong, OP
Ps. Here below we want to share with you some pictures of our classes and activities during the course.