We begin our Holy week with recollection, which is an invitation for us to reflect on two questions (Fr. Fausto Gomez OP).

Who is Christ for you?

According to the Scriptures, Christ is revealed to us in Scripture as the Son of God, the Savior of the world, the Word made flesh who dwelt among us (John 1:14). He is the fulfilment of the Old Testament prophecies and the embodiment of God’s love and mercy for humanity.

In the teachings of the Church, Christ is acknowledged as the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, fully God and fully man, who came to earth to redeem humanity through His life, death, and resurrection. The Catechism of the Catholic Church affirms that Jesus Christ is the “one mediator between God and men” (1 Timothy 2:5) and the source of our salvation (CCC 846).

In our personal experience encounter with Christ, we are called to live in His presence, His grace, and His transformative power in our own life. Through prayer, the sacraments, Scripture reading, and acts of service, many people have encountered Christ in a personal and profound way, feeling His love, guidance, and peace in their lives.

Christ is our Lord and Savior, the source of hope and strength in times of trial, and the model of love and compassion that we strive to emulate in our own life. Through His teachings and example, we are called to love God and our neighbour, to seek justice and mercy, and to live a life of faith, hope, and charity.

Therefore, Christ is not only a historical figure but a living presence in our lives, inviting us into a relationship of love and communion with Him. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:6), calling us to follow Him, to trust in Him, and to bear witness to His love and salvation in the world.

May our understanding of who Christ is deepened through the study of Scripture, the teachings of the Church, and our personal encounters with Him, leading us to a deeper faith, a stronger commitment to discipleship, and a greater love for the Lord who gave Himself for us.

Where is Christ Today?

Christ is present everywhere, and Christ is living among us, in our lives and in our deeds.

  1. “In the Eucharist”: One of the most profound ways that Christ is present today is in the Eucharist. In the Gospel of Matthew 26:26-28, Jesus institutes the sacrament of the Eucharist during the Last Supper, saying, “Take and eat; this is my body… Drink from it, all of you. This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.” In the Eucharist, Christians (Catholics) believe that the bread and wine truly become the body and blood of Christ. Therefore, when we receive the Eucharist, we are in communion with Christ in a very real and intimate way.
  2. “In the Church”: Christ is present in His mystical body, the Church. In the Gospel of Matthew 18:20, Jesus says, “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” As believers come together in worship, fellowship, and service, Christ is present among them. This presence is not just symbolic but real as Christ continues to work through His Church to bring about His kingdom on earth.
  3. “In the Word of God”: Christ is present in the Scriptures, as the Word made flesh. In the Gospel of John 1:14, it is written, “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.” When we read and meditate on the Bible, we encounter Christ and His teachings. Through the Scriptures, Christ continues to speak to us, guide us, and reveal God’s plan for salvation.
  4. “In the Poor and Needy”: In the Gospel of Matthew 25:40, Jesus says, “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” Christ is present in the faces of the poor, the marginalized, and the vulnerable. When we reach out to them with love, compassion, and support, we are ministering to Christ Himself.
  5. “In the Sacraments”: Christ is present in the sacraments of the Church, which are visible signs of God’s grace. Through the sacraments, such as Baptism, Confirmation, Reconciliation, and Matrimony.