The Way of the Cross on Good Friday

The Way of the Cross on Good Friday

On this Good Friday in the Diocese of Macao, the Bishop, Religious Priests and Sisters, and the faithful gather together in a solemn procession of the Way of the Cross. Starting in Flora Garden and culminating at the top of Guia Hill, this annual tradition organized by the lay faithful in the Diocese of Macao holds deep significance for the faithful to enter into a spiritual journey towards Easter.

The Bishop, Religious Priests and Sisters, and the faithful united in the procession carry the weight of the Cross not just symbolically but with hearts open to the depth of Christ’s sacrifice.

In the footsteps of Jesus, they contemplate His suffering, His love, and His ultimate victory over sin and death. Each step taken in this procession echoes the journey of faith, inviting all to meditate on the cost of redemption and the boundless mercy of God. The Way of the Cross in Macao becomes a testimony of faith, a communal prayer of gratitude, and a pilgrimage of the heart.

On Good Friday, we reflect on the profound sacrifice that Jesus made for all of humanity as He walked the way of the Cross. Take us through Jesus’ journey to Calvary, where He bore the weight of our sins and endured unimaginable suffering out of love for us.

As we meditate on each Station of the Cross, we are invited to enter into the mystery of Christ’s passion and death, to contemplate His humility, His obedience to the Father’s will, and His boundless love for each one of us. We see Jesus’ unwavering resolve and His willingness to carry the Cross, knowing that it would lead Him to the ultimate sacrifice for our redemption.

The Way of the Cross reminds us of the reality of sin and the cost of our salvation. It challenges us to reflect on our own crosses, struggles, and sufferings and to unite them with Christ for the greater glory of God. Through the Stations of the Cross, we are called to embrace our own crosses with faith and courage, trusting in the promise of Easter joy and the victory of Christ over sin and death.

As we journey with Jesus along the Way of the Cross, may we be inspired to live lives of selflessness, compassion, and sacrificial love? May we find strength in Christ’s example and draw closer to Him as we contemplate His passion and death on this Good Friday. May we carry our crosses with hope and perseverance, knowing that through the Cross, we find redemption and eternal life in Him.


Many happy returns of the day!

Many happy returns of the day!

The Priory celebrated the birthdays of February-born brothers.

The celebrants were Br. Francis Therman, O.P and Br. John Theresan, O.P. The community greeted them with the warmest wishes.

It was a joyous occasion that brought everyone together in celebration of community life and fraternity.

Happy Trails!

Because the Lunar New Year holiday was long enough to unwind, the fathers and brothers went trekking at A-Ma mountain on February 12, 2024. Tianhou Palace and the monument of Goddess A-Ma are the landmarks of A-Ma Mountain, which is located atop Dieshi Mountain, Macau’s highest point. Upon reaching the peak, images were shot at Instagrammable locations. Later on, hungry stomachs were satisfied with a scrumptious lunch.

2023 Advent Recollection

Advent is a time reminding us the importance of Christ in our lives, preparing to celebrate Christ’s birth at Christmas, and referring to his second coming at a future time. In keeping with these principles, the priory held a retreat on December 16, 2023 for the student brothers on the theme of “Detachment or Vow of Poverty.” The preacher, Fr. Hyacinth He, O.P. stressed on that point with his personal experiences. In the afternoon, the brothers received the sacrament of reconciliation. The recollection was ended with adoration and vespers.

Theology Public Lecture and Evening Prayer

Rev Fr. David Goodill, O.P. (Photo Credit- Faculty of Philosophy and Religious Studies, USJ FB)

The community attended a theology public lecture presented by Rev Fr. David Goodill, O.P., a visiting professor at the University of St. Joseph, on the evening of November 24th. The topic is “Making Hope Real,” which is a reflection on the Christian concept of Hope. The lecture examined how St. Thomas’ understanding of hope is informed by his understanding of the cardinal virtues.

The talk was integrated with the Vespers of the memorial of Saint Andrew Dng-Lc, Priest, and Companions, Martyrs. The magnificent 16th-century St. Dominic Church was filled with the chanting of psalms conducted by the friars.

Students and teachers from the faculty of philosophy and religious studies, including the dean of the faculty, Fr. Cyril Law, as well as sisters from several congregations and other interested parties, were there.
Following the talk, group photos were taken. Indeed, it was an evening rich with intellectual and spiritual nourishments.


Group photo after lecture (Photo Credit- Faculty of Philosophy and Religious Studies, USJ FB)

November Birthday Celebration

The Priory celebrated the birthdays of November-born fathers and a brother.

The celebrants were Fr. Legido, Fr. Athanasius, Fr. Lawrence and Br.Neri. The community greeted them with warmest wishes on their special day.

It was a joyous occasion that brought everyone together in celebration of community life and fraternity.