Mary Magdalene holds a significant role within the Dominican Order and is recognized as its secondary patroness due to her pivotal contributions as a witness and proclaimer of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This reflection explores how she was chosen for this honour and the implications of her legacy.

Mary Magdalene is often referred to as the “Apostle to the Apostles” (Apostola Apostolorum), a title that acknowledges her unique position in the New Testament narratives. She was the first to witness the resurrected Christ and subsequently the first to announce this momentous event to the apostles, making her an essential figure in the early Christian community. This act of proclamation aligns closely with the mission of the Dominican Order, founded in the early 13th century by St. Dominic, which emphasizes preaching and teaching the Gospel.

The formal recognition of Mary Magdalene as a patroness of the Dominican Order can be traced back to the late 13th century. In 1286, Charles II directed the Order towards devotion to her, and by 1295, the Dominicans were entrusted with the care of her shrine at Sainte-Baume in France, a site believed to be associated with her later life. The General Chapter of Bologna in 1297 further solidified her status by celebrating her feast day with solemnity throughout the Order, thus integrating her into the spiritual and liturgical life of the Dominicans.

Mary Magdalene’s characteristics resonate deeply with the Dominican mission. She embodies the journey of conversion, contemplation, and proclamation—qualities that are essential for effective preaching. Her transformation from a troubled individual, described in the Gospels as having been possessed by seven demons, to a devoted follower of Christ illustrates the power of redemption and the importance of personal faith in the life of a disciple.

Additionally, as highlighted in contemporary reflections, her role as a seeker and a prophet emphasizes the necessity of being open to divine revelation and the unexpected ways in which God can manifest in our lives. This aspect of her story encourages Dominicans and all Christians to embrace their call to witness and share the Gospel, mirroring Mary’s own journey from despair to joy in encountering the risen Christ.

Mary Magdalene’s designation as the patroness of the Dominican Order serves as a reminder of the integral connection between faith and action. Her life exemplifies the essence of discipleship—recognizing one’s own transformation through Christ and the imperative to share that experience with others. As Dominicans strive to live out their mission of preaching, they draw inspiration from her example, affirming that true apostleship is rooted in a profound relationship with Jesus and a commitment to proclaiming His message to the world.

Myanmar Catholic Community Congratulates Their Chaplain

Myanmar Catholic Community Congratulates Their Chaplain

It was a day filled with joy and honour for the Myanmar Catholic Community in Macau that Fr. Lawerece Thereh O.P., a Burmese brother of our Priory, and the Chaplain for Myanmar Catholics was conferred PhD in Education on 6th July 2024. The community made a surprise celebration and was integrated with the gathering after the monthly Myanmar Mass. Some of our student brothers from Myanmar joined in the ceremony. Celebrating achievement was accompanied by songs and delicious traditional cuisines. 



It is mandatory that every graduating student of the University of St. Joseph in Macau must go through a thesis defence. Without exception, our three graduating student brothers pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Christian Studies had to encounter this. Bro. Cesar Lino de Sousa Ximenes, O.P., Bro. Agostinho Mendoca, O.P. and Bro. Innocent Han Zaw Htun, O.P. successfully defended their theses on 19, 20 and 21 June 2024, respectively. The thesis title of Bro. Cesar is ” RECONCILIATION AS A WAY OF MISSION.” Bro. Agostinho’s thesis is titled ” ARISTOTLE AND AQUINAS ON HAPPINESS: A COMPARISON OF NICOMACHEAN ETHICS I & X AND SUMMA THEOLOGIAE 1A2AE QUESTIONS 1-5″ and from Bro. Innocent, ” DEVELOPING A CATHOLIC THEOLOGY OF SUFFERING IN THE CONTEXT OF BURMESE THERAVADA BUDDHISM.” May God continue His blessing for their future ministry! 

Renewing Religious Vows in Spain

Renewing Religious Vows in Spain

On the memorial of St. Aloysius Gonzaga, today,  student brother, Bro. Orlando Lopes, O.P. renewed his religious vows at the Convento Del Santisimo Rosario in Madrid. Prior Provincial Fr. Ruben Martinez Ortega, O.P. received the profession. Bro. Orlando is from Timor-Leste. Let us continue praying for him to be faithful and persevere in his Dominican vocation!

Birthdays in June

Birthdays in June

The Priory celebrated the birthdays of the brothers who were born in June. 

The celebrants were Br. Joseph Naing Ling Hung, O.P,  Br. Xaverio, O.P and Br. Ephream Nay Myo Thu, O.P. The community greeted them with the warmest wishes.

It was a joyous occasion that brought everyone together in celebration of community life and fraternity.

Renewing Religious Vows

Renewing Religious Vows

Today, on the memorial of St. Aloysius Gonzaga, thirteen student brothers renew their religious vows in the Priory’s chapel of St. Dominic. Conventual Prior, Fr. Javier González Izquierdo, OP presides over the solemn Eucharistic celebration and receives the professions of the brothers. In his homily, Fr. Javier reminds us that the renewing of vows should not be just a symbol but the renewing of persons. Thirteen brothers are from different countries; one from Korea, six from Myanmar and six from Timor-Leste. Let us continue praying for them to be faithful and persevere in their Dominican vocation!