Renewing Religious Vows

Renewing Religious Vows

Today, on the memorial of St. Aloysius Gonzaga, thirteen student brothers renew their religious vows in the Priory’s chapel of St. Dominic. Conventual Prior, Fr. Javier González Izquierdo, OP presides over the solemn Eucharistic celebration and receives the professions of the brothers. In his homily, Fr. Javier reminds us that the renewing of vows should not be just a symbol but the renewing of persons. Thirteen brothers are from different countries; one from Korea, six from Myanmar and six from Timor-Leste. Let us continue praying for them to be faithful and persevere in their Dominican vocation! 






Great event in our priory today: Three of our community brothers, namely , Cesar Lino de Sousa Ximenes, Andre Pereira and Innocent Han-Zaw-Htun made their solemn religious profession, consecrating themselves in a special way to God “until death”.

The profession ceremony took place within the community Mass, which started at 10:45. The Mass was presided over by the conventual Prior, Fr Javier Gonzalez, who had been delegated by our Fr Provincial to receive the vows of the three brothers. After the homily, the three were definitively incorporated into the Dominican Order through their solemn religious solemn profession, promising obedience to God… until death.

Attending the celebration, in addition to our entire community and those faithful who ordinarily attend to our Sunday Mass, were all the Dominican Sisters in Macau as well as some Lay Dominicans, members of “Torch of Macau”. Present also were some USJ professors and classmates of our brothers, as well as some other friends and guests. The celebration was solemn, well prepared by the entire community, particularly by the student brothers and their Master, Fr Paul Fan. It was a time to witness this momentous occasion, to join the three brothers in thanking God for the gift of vocation, and to assure them of our prayer. At the end of the Mass, one of the newly professed, brother Innocent, said a few words of gratitude on behalf of the three brothers.

After the Mass, everyone was cordially invited to stay for lunch at the Priory, as our Fr Lawrence had prepared abundant food and drinks, including a commemorative cake with three candles. All in all, it was a festive gathering to thank the Lord at the table of the Eucharist and share then His blessings.

Congratulations to our brothers Cesar, Andre and Innocent for their courageous decision, with the assurance to them of our prayer for their perseverance in the path they embraced today.      


Thanksgiving Mass for Academic Year 2023-2024

Thanksgiving Mass for Academic Year 2023-2024

On June 13, 2024, upon the memorial of St. Anthony of Padua, the University of St. Joseph gave thanks to God for the Academic Year 2023-2024. The solemn mass was offered inside the university chapel of the Holy of Cross. Bishop Stephen Lee presided over as main celebrant and delivered the homily. The Student Brothers joined in choir, offertory and intercession. After the mass, the brothers enjoyed their lunch together with other the attendees.

Feast of Translation of St. Dominic

Feast of Translation of St. Dominic

May 24 is something special for the Dominican Order. This day commemorates the first translation of the remains of Saint Dominic who had been buried in the
Church of Saint Nicholas of the Vineyards at Bologna. When the tomb’s stone was removed, a pleasant odour emanated from the aperture, surprising all present. Many people saw this phenomenon. This year, the Priory decided to celebrate mass at St. Paul School. Student brothers also joined in this eucharistic celebration. 

2024 Fatima Procession

2024 Fatima Procession

The traditional Procession of Our Lady of Fatima is held every year on the evening of May 13th in Macao and it has by now become part of the city’s list of Intangible Cultural Heritage. This year also, the procession started from St Dominic’s Church after the celebration of a Mass presided over by the Bishop, and journeyed through the streets of the city to the hill Chapel of Our Lady of Penha. Along the way, thousands of devotees accompanied the image of Our Lady of Fatima, while singing and praying the Rosary in three alternating languages (Portuguese, English and Chinese). Three children (two young girls and a boy), donned in Portuguese costumes, walked just behind the image: they represent the three sheep-tending children who witnessed the apparitions of the Virgin in Fatima in 1917. Close to the image also were the Bishop, some priests, and our Dominican community with the student brothers wearing their habits. The procession ended at Penha Chapel with the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, a prayer of consecration to Our Lady and the solemn blessing from that suggestive hill overlooking Macao peninsula and Mainland China. Truly inspiring was to see the vast crowd of pilgrims engrossed in meditative silence and prayer while walking in the procession. Worth praising, too, was the excellent organization of the whole event, with the traffic order and safety of the participants ensured by the local police. May Our Lady of Fatima continue keeping under her maternal care the city of Macau, the entire Church and, needless to say, our Dominican community, which invokes her as their main Patroness.

Pictures: courtesy of Antonius Photoscript