
Ours Dominican brothers in Spain invite us to the Ordination to the Priesthood of fr. Juan Franco Perez, and to the Ordination to the Deaconate of fr. Carlos Y. Simbajón, who lived with us for a year at our St. Dominic’s Priory. Another brother from the Spanish Province of Andalucia will also be ordained as deacon, fr. Angel L. Fariña Perez.

The ordinations will take place on May 30, 2015, at our Parish of Our Lady of the Rosary of the Philippines in Madrid, Spain. The ordaining prelate will be our Dominican brother bishop the Most Rev. Juan Jose Larrañeta Olleta.

The accompanying biblical text reads:

“Name something that you have that you have not received? (1 Cor 4:7)

We pray for our brothers who are to be ordained!